classical variations & artistry
We’ve chosen variations from the Boston Ballet’s 2024 - 2025 Season! Take the class, learn the variation and then enjoy a night out at the Boston Opera House! Participants in the variations class get special access to Northeast Arts group discounted tickets to Boston Ballet for Swan Lake and Raymonda.
Details: 4 semi-private workshops on variations from the classical ballets. Teachers work with adults to "build your own" variation out of the many versions available so that each participant can work on technique and artistry at the difficulty level they prefer while maintaining safety for the body and the look and feel of the classical variation. Pointe work is not required, but welcome at the dancer's preference.
Our teachers she value the motivations and life experiences of adult learners, drawing attention to not only technical aspects of the variation, but to artistry, musicality and the development of the observational and rehearsal skills needed to learn a complete variation. Questions are always welcome in this environment!
Additional details:
Winter session: Saturdays, 12 - 12:50pm - Variation from Swan Lake, Feb. 1 through Feb 22 - Rheya Shano
Spring session: Saturdays, 11:45 - 12:45pm - Czardas Character Dance with Caroline Cooper
Spring session: Mondays, 11:45 - 12:45pm - Variation and Faculty TBD
4-class package (open class tuition included) - $160
Minimum group of 5 dancers. No refunds or cancellations per studio policy. In the unlikely event the program is cancelled by Northeast Arts, tuition paid will be refunded. Photo credit: Liza Voll