Story ballets are a classic way to be transported into another world. Our unique approach to these classics retains the fairy tale aspect, but does not shy away from the realities of modern life. We use costumes, technology, design and location to retell the classics without erasing the places, ideas and issues that surround our modern lives. This light-hearted, mid-pandemic filming of The Nutcracker, produced in conjunction with Cambridge Symphony Orchestra, Metronome Film and City Ballet of Boston, brought joy to artists and audiences who were locked out of theaters in December 2020.
Other collaborations with the CSO, Metronome and CBB include a condensed version of The Sleeping Beauty which pushed our collaborative ideals to another level. Rehearsed, filmed and produced in under four months using three locations, sound integration of each instrumental performer (recorded separately at home), cinematic editing, and 31 costumes designed and sewn by cast members, this one-hour story ballet follows the traditional plot line while shortening the length to suit a film presentation. Live performances of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Firebird were also created with the CSO.

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography
Photo credit: Cynthia Woods

Phot credit: Steve Wollkind

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography

Photo credit: Golden Lion Photography